Tuesday 12 March 2013

My Penultimate Working Week!

As time is passing by, I’m beginning to sense that my Lesotho experience is getting closer to the end. However in my usual way I’m trying to make the most of it and have had yet another busy week to remember.

At work I have been working closely with the web developer to try and ensure that the content I developed for the website is going up and all in place – it would be nice to have this done before I leave. I’m also trying to tidy up the other bits of work like the communications plan and strategic plan in time for my final day on the 15th of March.

Last week, on Tuesday I played football at the kick 4 life centre (amazing work they are undertaking up on this project education through sport), and I think it’s safe to say that out 5 a side team which included myself and John (another Welshman on the ILO initiative) as well as my Cameroonian friend Robert a South African and a , was clearly the best.  It was amazing playing on the hill, looking across the valley to the lightning flashes, though I wish I could say the same for my playing – rusty wasn’t the word, decent in the link up play, very poor finishing…never mind  - a knock to the ankle didn’t help matters. After the match I went to a friends house for a tasty curry and watched the Man Utd vs Real Madrid game before heading home for bed.

The rest of the week was fairly quiet and I wasn’t very well, so a half day Thursday and a day off Friday were taken to recharge my batteries which thankfully left me feeling much better. Friday night was the leaving do of a friend Danny, so we gathered at his after food to catch up, the non-drinking policy a part of my recovery and sensible approach, yes I am capable of being sensible when needed….

Then early on Saturday I headed to the highlands of Semonkong ‘the place of smoke’ with John, Vanessa, Stephanie and Fadi, the journey may only be around a 130km, but the roads can be tough going (it’s a good time to go as the Monday is a bank holiday – the King’s birthday!). Thankfully we were in good spirits and enjoying the stunning scenery as we passed through Roma, Ramabanta and then up towards Semonkong. However on one of the many steep bumpy hills there was a huge truck that had lost control and jack-knifed across most of the road, the only passing point was a modest yet fairly narrow part of the road on the outer edge, we all left the 4x4 and Fadi did a great job of getting it around and up the hill.  The many ditches, divets and general parts of the road that had been taken away made the journey funny, bumpy, yet comical – John in particular was having more of a fairground experience in the back than that of a drive. The rewards of the drive were huge, each corner turned opened up a new spectacle, stunning views, cows across the road, suicidal goats chancing it…and pretty much anything you could imagine. I don’t know how people could do this route in winter!!

We finally arrived at Semonkong 2 hours and 45 minutes later. Well worth the effort. We immediately had to sign in and unpack the vehicle in time to sign up for the abseil (training has to undertaken the day before) we were soon perched above the small cliff (30 metres up) and being talked through the safety equipment and procedures.  The local guys were great as we did our 3 separate practice runs, John and then Fadi deciding that the abseil wasn’t for them. For me though it’s a personal challenge on a huge scale, heights are not generally something I cope with very well.

Now when I say abseil, the abseil I signed up for in the world’s largest commercial abseil at 204 metres high down the edge of a waterfall, so pretty epic stuff for a novice like me. The rest of the day was spent chilling and just enjoying the tranquillity of the countryside, whilst Fadi and John when on the Donkey pub crawl around the village.

The pool table at the bar soon became my place of residence at only 2 Rand a game (13.7 Rand to 1 Pound) it was ideal, and overall remaining unbeaten for the entire day and night was a great feeling! He-he. The evening meal was also amazing, a real treat – a steak!! And a good quality one at that, I have been missing food like this. The creamy butternut squash soup that preceded it was also delicious. Heading back to the dorm at the end of the night, tired yet happy was a great feeling.

The early wake up call, at 7:20am, a quick wash and then hit the road, Banana for breakfast in hand. The truck ride to the top of the falls was great, seriously bumpy, blaring Basotho music – fun times! The adrenalin and seriousness of my decision soon kicked in when I saw the height of the falls – adrenalin rush galore. In the group around me I could also sense the trepidation kicking in, joking around and keeping positive I tried to keep the morale high, even more breath taking scenery all around. When we arrived at the point, we put on the safety gear and then relaxed (tried to at least) as the girls all got ready to go first (the friction of the rope as it gets wetter makes it more difficult to go down, so as the girls were lighter it made more sense for them to go first). However it takes each person roughly 10-15 mins to descend, so as everyone stepped off the edge I waited two hours for my turn.

Then finally it was upon me, the 7th person to go off. I can honestly say that I was beyond nervous; however, not doing it wasn’t an option – time to bite the bullet! The sheer expose to that magnitude of height and open space was enormous. The step off the ledge really tough especially as the first 30 metres or so your feet don’t touch the rock you are just sat there suspended in mid air, and then you start to spin, the views are staggering, but the look down to the tiny dots of people at the bottom kind of took away the appreciation, wow this is high up! Mentally I just talked myself through it, slowly, slowly – one foot and one pull of the rope after the other progress was good.  Soon enough I was in the groove, and pulled out my camera for a picture – deep breath, look calm I said to myself. As the abseil continued the enjoyment was there, but the desire to have my feet on terra firma was definitely something I was looking forward to. The spray of the waterfall near the bottom was refreshing, yet makes the rocks all wet and slippery, controlling mainly with the hands to feed the rope through was the only option. I finally land and then the team member at the bottom helps me to the ground to unclip. The walk along the slippery rocks away from the landing spot is almost as tricky as the final part of the descent.  

Finally I make it up to the group and I can relax, have a drink and watch the final two come down. Only seeing them allows you to see the true perspective of the size of the abseil, they are ants barely 1/100th the size of the drop. So happy I made it!

The ascent up through the valley also delights. It is truly wonderful, some of the most stunning views I have ever seen, like a super mini grand canyon. The hike up is hard as the heat of the midday sun has arrived and its steep narrow paths require intense concentration. We climb steadily and after 30-40 mins we are finally out of the valley, looking down at all its splendour.  We travel back, everyone having completed it in good spirits, yet tired. We arrive back and have food before embarking on a lazy afternoon.  John and Fadi go off to enjoy the pubs on their donkeys – they return in good spirits and full of laughter.

The evening meal this time is a veg soup followed by some tasty lamb chops. We then spend the night relaxed at the bar before retreating to Fadi’s patio – we sit outside, a glass of rum in hand and look up at the milky way and all the stars in the sky wrapped in our blankets– I must have seen at least 7 shooting stars and make plenty of wishes.  A magical evening in good company!

The following day John and Vanessa walk to the waterfall and Steph and Fadi take the horses, I relax a read my book and have a few interesting chats with some visitors.

They all return, we have lunch and hit the road. The journey back is as stunning as the one there, and we make good progress – arriving home I put my feet up and relax.

My final working week ahead!

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