Wednesday 30 January 2013

Stormy Weather - the kinds of which I’ve never seen before

Last night I walked home via the shopping mall to pick up some things for the house, noticing more and more that the supermarket there seems to stock literally everything… from Gruyere Cheese, to Corn Flakes and Flora margarine…the benefits of city living.

I eventually made the half an hour walk home along the dusty tracks, the mountains all around and the roar of the taxi buses as they fly past at some pretty impressive speeds – makes crossing the road fun! Like the start of the 100m Olympic final!

I spoke to the guard at the gate near my house and asked him if he’d had a good day – the same reply as I get from everyone, very politely and positively “yes of course, thank you” just makes me realise how cynical I am I guess.. good to be happy and enjoy life.

After getting home with my goods, I decided a spot of sitting on the patch in front of my house would be nice to watch the darkness fall. Luke – you’d be proud, I took 42 photos from the same spot, one every minute on the minute – let’s hope it can make some sort of timelapse speeded up. It's just unfortunate that the beats of the drums in the background couldn’t be captured in any way that would do them justice, only wish I could have spotted where they were coming from.

Then as I retreated indoors and cooked up a gourmet, pasta, tomato sauce green beans student delight (I never was a great cook, and who knows, may never be…) I sat down to watch the football once more. After a few brief phone conversations that gave me much solace, I relaxed into the night, then….Baboom!! like a mortar shell firing off, what the…..? as I drew up the blinds, the most amazing tropical storm - lightning lit up the whole plateau, getting louder and louder and more dramatic the thunder pounded as if it was the mountains roaring , I sat there looking at the straw roof thinking, this better hold steady…eventually drifting off to sleep.

Today has provided much of the same in terms of weather, though thankfully it waited until I got to the office before pouring down like a waterfall! The rain was much needed here though, so people seem pretty happy it’s arrived (how different could this be from Cymru!!) even if the roads partially turn to rivers.

On the work front, things are going fairly well – currently drafting a new Strategic 3 year plan for the Association of Lesotho Employers and Business – a new experience for me, hope they’ll be happy with my work. Also going to be drafting a communications plan to add to that and a few other bits like seeing how we can develop a new website – I’ll try and generate some well written content.

Hope the rain stops so I can go for lunch, then walk home later, not certain how my waterproof poncho from Home Bargains is going to hold out! J

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